Empowering your QGIS journey since 2009. We are long-time QGIS adopters and core developers, having created dozens of plugins and core features. Our contributions include 3D, point clouds, vector tiles, and mesh layers.
In numbers
25 +
Team members , based in 8 countries.
15 +
Years providing specialised commercial services based on the popular QGIS platform.
50 +
Private and public QGIS plugins developed by Lutra Consulting.
30 +
Key features contributed to the QGIS project including mesh layers, point clouds and 3D.
We work closely with our clients to support their adoption and ongoing use of open source GIS.
Adding support for visualising and analysing point cloud data in QGIS, including handling of large datasets, backed by large organisations like IGN, Natural resources Canada, Danish, French and Finnish mapping agencies and the wider QGIS community.
QGIS community
QGIS development
Full client and data management system
A comprehansive system to manage clients and data (including data collection). The system is based on Postgres/PostGIS, QGIS and Mergin Maps.
QGIS development
Mesh data abstraction library (MDAL) development
Development of MDAL to handly hydraulic model output. In addition, adding various QGIS tools to visualise and analyse mesh data.
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