Successful Crowdfunding – Advancing Point Cloud and Elevation Tools in QGISWe are pleased to announce the success of our crowdfunding campaign to improve point cloud and elevation tools in QGIS. Thanks to the generous pledges from QGIS community, we have exceeded the target (including the stretch goal).

We are very excited and looking forward to developing those features in the upcoming QGIS releases in collaboration with North Road and Hobu.

Thanks again to all those who have contributed to the campaign. Without your support, these major developments would have not been possible. We will publish a blog post with the list of contributors in due course.

To stay tuned with the latest development, you can visit QGIS code repository or visit our blog for news and updates.

An example of a cross-section: view from the top including the profile line with a buffer, and the profile with two different ways of styling (classification / elevation-based).
An example of a cross-section: view from the top including the profile line with a buffer, and the profile with two different ways of styling (classification / elevation-based).
An example of a cross-section: view from the top including the profile line with a buffer, and the profile with two different ways of styling (classification / elevation-based).

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