Update: Input has been renamed to Mergin Maps as of May 2022.

One of the key features of Mergin Maps mobile app, is the ability to upload/download your data from field through Mergin directly from the app.

For uploading/downloading your project, the only method was to use Mergin web interface. But with this plugin, users can interact with their projects and data directly from within QGIS desktop.

How to use the plugin?

You can install the Mergin plugin from QGIS plugin repository. Once it's installed, you will see Mergin provider from your QGIS browser panel.

To use the plugin, you need to sign into your Mergin account. You can then easily:

  • Download your existing projects
  • Create a project
  • Synchronise your changes
  • Delete a local copy of your project

Once you synchronise your changes to Mergin, the data will be available from your Mergin Maps mobile app. To download the app for your Android device, click below:

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