We are pleased to announce the success of the fund raising campaign, thanks to the great response from the QGIS community. We will publish the full list of the backers soon.

The project will introduce point cloud processing to QGIS and further enhance profile tool and 3D maps. The new processing tools will allow you to create terrain/contours from your point cloud data, handle and manage large datasets and several other processing algorithms. In addition, we intend to allow you to embed profiles in your print layouts, export to other formats (e.g. DXF, CSV) and more improvements to the elevation profile tool. For more details see the crowdfunding page.

The work will start soon in collaboration with the excellent teams from North Road and Hobu. To stay up to date with progress, you can follow this blog or monitor QGIS code repository. If you would like to test the new features and provide us with your feedback, you can install QGIS nightly/master.

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