You can call on our experience to provide assurance that there's always someone to call for help should you need it. We've been delivering open source GIS projects since 2004 and rely on QGIS as a key element of our services.

Getting Support
We help you build your own unique geospatial tools using open source GIS software. We will ensure the solution will be fast and flexible, with the ability to iterate, adapt and integrate seamlessly with the rest of your infrastructure.
Retainer packages
With the retainer package you can get direct access to our developers to discuss your projects, resolve urgent issues or extend QGIS capabilities. This is suitable for smaller projects and offers you a predictable cost, priority access, reduced overhead, faster development and continuous collaboration. See below for our retainer packages:

Pioneers in QGIS Support

Lutra Consulting were the first organisation to provide QGIS commercial support for businesses and individuals across the UK.

We develop Mergin Maps and provide support to registered users.
Our support team has a mix of friendly first and second-line support staff to ensure support queries are resolved efficiently.

Our Support Packages

We offer a 10% discount for existing SLA clients or Mergin Maps subscribers.
All prices are VAT-exclusive.
9 Support Hours
9 hr Response Time
QGIS and Mergin Maps
Advice only
Contact us
75 Support Hours
4 hr Response Time
QGIS and Mergin Maps
Email + Video Calls
VPN + Phone
Advice and Implementation
Contact us

Guidance on Data Management

We'll look carefully at your day-to-day GIS operations and make recommendations on how to best manage your spatial data.


For consultancy and software development please contact It is not included in any support plan.

On-site Support

On-site support ensures that if an issue cannot be resolved efficiently remotely, a member of our support team will make an on-site call to address the issue in person.

Let's make QGIS work for you

Lutra Consulting is a QGIS-focused expert provider of geospatial software development, consulting, training, and support services.

Get in touch
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