We've been developing open source GIS software since 2004 and rely on QGIS and Mergin Maps as a key element of our services. Let QGIS and Mergin Maps core developers take care of your next project.
Bespoken custom development
We help you build your own unique geospatial tools using open source GIS software. We will ensure the solution will be fast, flexible, free and with the ability to iterate, adapt, and integrate seamlessly with the rest of your infrastracture.
Retainer packages
With the retainer package you can get direct access to our developers to discuss your projects, resolve an urgent issue or extend QGIS capabilities. This is suitable for smaller projects and offers you a predictable cost, priority access, reduced overhead, faster development and continuous collaboration. See below for our retainer packages:
Our Development Packages
We offer 10% discount for existing SLA clients or Mergin Maps subscribers. All prices are VAT-exclusive.
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