This course builds on existing GIS knowledge and demonstrates how to manage, process, analyse and visualise georeferenced data.

Participants are introduced to the Processing Toolbox in QGIS and learn how to automate their GIS workflow.

QGIS' processing tools can be used to produce derived datasets such as line-of-sight maps through a series of practical examples.

Aimed at users already familiar with the basics of QGIS, this course introduces participants to personal geodatabases, vector processing and raster processing, allowing QGIS to be used as a tool for advanced GIS analyses.

Pre-requisite knowledge and skills

  • Basics of QGIS

Key Skills

Participants will acquire the following key skills:

  • Creating and managing personal geodatabases
  • Geoprocessing
  • Automation and batch processing

Registering for this course

Contact us to register for this course.

Course outline

  • Introduction to GeoPackages.some text
    • Creating databases
    • Importing shapefiles
    • What is SQL?
  • Processingsome text
    • Available algorithms
    • External applications
    • General configuration
  • Graphical modeller and batch processingsome text
    • Definition of inputs, outputs and workflow
    • Creating a model
    • Saving, loading and editing models


The course features a series of practical tutorials in which participants carry out exercises, further developing the skills learnt during the course.

Tutorial 1: Spatial queries and geoprocessing in GeoPackages

A GeoPackage database will be developed, populated and queried using tools and plugins available in QGIS. Participants will learn how to fetch data using SQL queries and how to use spatial functions.

Trainees will find parts of a site suitable for development by geoprocessing several environmental constraints.

Spatial queries and geoprocessing in GeoPackage

Spatial queries and geoprocessing in GeoPackage (Click to enlarge)

Tutorial 2: Generating line-of-sight maps for wind farms

In this tutorial, participants will assess the visual impact of a wind farm by using the line-of-sight processing algorithm and raster calculator.

Spatial queries and geoprocessing in SpatiaLite

Calculating the visual impact of a wind farm (Click to enlarge)

Tutorial 3: Creating heat maps

Based on a hypothetical dataset, a heat map of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) in Staffordshire will be generated.

Heat map of hypothetical ASBO data

Heat map of hypothetical ASBO data - Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA (Click to enlarge)

Tutorial 4: Calculating optimal tilt for solar panels

In this tutorial participants will work with the graphical modeller and batch processing functions to determine the optimal tilt angle for solar panels using a digital terrain model and Linke Turbidity Factor data.

Tutorial 5: Determining the watershed and drainage system for a catchment

In this tutorial, participants will determine a hydrological catchment and natural drainage network on the Isle of Wight using modules in GRASS GIS through the Processing toolbox

Hydrological catchment and drainage network in GRASS GIS

Hydrological catchment and drainage network in GRASS GIS (Click to enlarge)

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Lutra Consulting is a QGIS-focused expert provider of geospatial software development, consulting, training, and support services.

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