About the webinar

The support for lidar data in QGIS is getting better and better. In this webinar, we will showcase our latest work on making it possible to do manual classification in point cloud layers. While manual classification can be a very time consuming process, it is often necessary to get high-quality data products out of raw point cloud data. We will also touch on improvements of virtual point clouds in QGIS, allowing users to handle datasets with billions of points with ease.

Date: 20.3.2025  11:30 UTC (suggested)

Duration: 30 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A session


Martin Dobias

Currently working as a CTO at Lutra Consulting, Martin has been involved in the QGIS project as a core developer since 2005. In recent years, he has been mostly active in enabling QGIS to deal with 3D geospatial data.

LiDAR data taken at Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia. The data is from UGCK.

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