New features keep being added to Crayfish. Now it is possible to export time variable grid as animation, add AnuGA results and visualise vectors on user-defined grids.

Export to animation

The ground works were done in Crayfish 2.0 for this feature. You can now generate animation from contours and vectors and export them as AVI. There are two methods of exporting to animation: basic and using QGIS print template (qpt).

With the basic option, you can define a title, a legend and a progress clock. Alternatively, for a smarter solution, you can set up a print composer with the benefit of all its rich features. The composer template (qpt) can be used as a frame layout for exporting your animation.

Below is an example of a multi-frame print composer template used to generate animation from a Crayfish layer.

AnuGA support

Crayfish 2.1 now supports SWW file format generated by AnuGA.

SWW files generated by AnuGA in Crayfish (Click to enlarge)

Vector on user-defined grid

With this option, users can define a grid and Crayfish will interpolate values and displays results on the custom grid. Images below show vectors on the outputted mesh and user-defined grid.

Vectors on default mesh in Crayfish (Click to enlarge)
Vectors on default mesh in Crayfish (Click to enlarge)
Vectors on a user-defined mesh in Crayfish (Click to enlarge)

Crayfish manual

With the ever-growing features in Crayfish, we have decided to dedicate a page on how to use Crayfish in QGIS. From the manual page, users can download a sample data and try the Crayfish features in QGIS.


We'd like to thank Maroondah City Council for sponsoring some of the great features in this release.

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