If you are a macOS user, there are already several methods to install QGIS. But, unfortunately the packages are not signed and often using old libraries. We have started a prototype to automatically generate QGIS packages for macOS.

The packages are proved to be popular and the QGIS PSC has accepted to take over the infrastructure and publish them eventually as the official QGIS packages for macOS.

Finally got the #equalearthprojection work in @qgis 3.4. Thanks, @lutraconsulting for your compilation. Thanks, @BojanSavric , @mappingbernie , and @MtnMapper for the projection. :) pic.twitter.com/MkQWWJLQUk

— David Garcia (@mapmakerdavid) December 6, 2018

To polish the work and sort out some of the issues, we will need extra funds. We are hoping QGIS macOS users will be able to help the crowdfunding campaign. The target amount is 8,500 € and the campaign will be active until 31 January 2019.

Please have a look at the dedicated page QGIS for macOS for further details and help us spread the word!

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