Join this webinar to learn more about the new features in QGIS to process LiDAR data:

Date: Monday, June 26, 2023 at 14:00 GMT

Duration: 30 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A session

Speaker: Martin Dobias, CTO at Lutra Consulting with more than 15 years of QGIS development experience


Point clouds are an increasingly popular data type thanks to the decreasing cost of their acquisition through lidar surveys and photogrammetry. On top of that, more and more national mapping agencies release high resolution point cloud data (spanning large areas and consisting of billions of points), unlocking many new use cases.

This webinar will summarize the latest QGIS release 3.32 and the addition of tools for point cloud analysis right from QGIS Processing toolbox: clip, filter, merge, export to raster, extract boundaries and more - all backed by PDAL library that already ships with QGIS, without having to rely on third party proprietary software.

This work was made possible by the generous donations to our crowdfunding.

Live on Monday, June 26, 2023 at 14:00 GMT

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